Safety, Security, and Conflict Avoidance Seminar...
- The Safety, Security, and Conflict Avoidance Concepts & Strategies Seminar: Taking Charge and Refusing to be a Victim, is a personal safety program that teaches the concepts and strategies you can use to avoid situations where self-defense is required. This seminar does not use or promote the use of firearms or any type of self-defense or lethal weapon. This course focuses exclusively on proactive courses of action, rather than reactive. Criminals are predators and they look for and prefer easy targets. Making yourself more difficult to prey upon will lessen your risk of a criminal attack. This means having a personal and family safety strategy in place well before you need it. This program enhances your personal security mindset through common sense, practical considerations for the environment you are in, as well as your overall capabilities for situational awareness.
- This seminar was designed primarily for women. However, the program will cover topics that will pertain to men as well. The information covered is appropriate for young adults to senior citizens.