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Threat Assessment & Management

Contemporary Concepts & Processes for Assessing, Evaluating & Managing Threats

Threat Assessment, Evaluation, Management & Intervention; regardless of the nature, source or perceived severity of the Threat and the intentions of the Subject making the Threat, is an art and a science as well as a comprehensive and methodical process for determining the viability, credibility & severity of the Threat becoming an actual act of Violence against an individual, individuals or the facility which has become the Target for the Subject making the Threat.

Our  Threat Assessment Seminar  will provide you with important and valuable in-sights; in-sights which you will be able to apply and use immediately in your profession and your daily life, into the formal process undertaken by the Security Professionals who perform the structured process of Threat Assessment, Management & Interventions.  Additionally; you will learn how you can recognize the behavioral warning signs of an individual who may be on the path to an act of either Impromptu or Intended Violence.  The individual may be a Howler who seeking merely to frighten and intimidate the Target or a Hunter who is committed to an aggressive act of Violence. Recognizing the difference between the Howler, the Hunter and the individual on the Path to Intended Violence is a major objective for the Threat Assessment Professional.

Threat Assessments

The security professionals at Lehigh Valley Paladin, LLC have designed and developed a comprehensive Six (6) Hour Seminar to address the needs of a wide variety of businesses, educational facilities, medical facilities and professional firms.  This seminar will address how to prepare for the eventuality of a Threat of Violence being received; what you can and need to do along with how to respond in the face of any Threat of Violence; as well as what you need to do and how to manage the information or physical evidence you have received.  The following bullet list is an abbreviated overview of the topics to be addressed in our seminar:


  • Impromptu vs. Intended Violence
  • Understanding the Paths to Impromptu or Intended Violence
  • Threat Assessment & Management Concepts & Applications
  • Why Certain Individuals Attract Violence
  • The Significance Associated with the Motives of the Predator’s Target
  • Understanding the Difference between Howlers & Hunters
  • The Concept of “At This Time” in the Threat Assessment Process
  • The Importance and Value of Empathy
  • Determining the Severity of the Threat
  • Concepts & Applications for Diffusing or Reducing the Risk of Violence
  • Identifying & Understanding the “Need to Know” Facts & Information
  • The Intimacy Effect
  • Avoiding the Silo Effect
  • Understanding the role of Time as it Applies to Impromptu & Intended Violence
  • Recognizing & Understanding the Uncontrollable Elements
  • The Importance of Inhibitors
  • The Domino Effect when Inhibitors Collapse
  • Intervention Strategies


  • As well as Selected Case Studies for Discussion

The Threat may originate from a current or former employee; a disgruntled client or customer; an intimate partner of one of your employees or from anyone.  Education and Planning; along with well-established and communicated Company Policies, Procedures & Guidelines, are essential when addressing the issue of this type of violence entering the workplace.

Our  Threat Assessment, Evaluation, Management & Intervention Seminar  can be conducted at your facility; or we can arrange on your behalf an off-site meeting location.  Additionally; the Security Professionals at  Lehigh Valley Paladin, LLC  are available to consult with you and your organization with a Risk Assessment, Analysis and the Evaluation of your facilities through the concept, design and implementation of a structured plan of action to deal with these horrific events.  For more detailed information on our Threat Assessment, Evaluation, Management & Intervention Seminar; as well as the nature and scope of the advisory and consulting services we can provide, please do not hesitate to contact us.


For additional information on scheduling this Seminar as an internal continuing educational program for your administrative, managerial and security personnel please contact our Training Director: Dr. Diana Sorrentino.